Yup. "Monkeybone" is a 2001 film directed by Henry Selick and starring Brendan Fraiser and a orange monkey made out of clay. Not there is much of a difference, ZING!
So if your wondering what the hell that picture is all about let me give you a rundown of the movie.
It starts off with a disturbing little cartoon where a monkey comes out of a boy's pants after he gets turned on by his teacher's arm flab. Ew.
Thats not a picture from the actual cartoon, but its a good idea of the style. Any who after the cartoon is over it is revealed to be a preview screening for a show on the Comedy Channel. Which is being picked up for 6 episodes. The company must have real faith in it. The man behind this abomination is Stu Miley played by Brendan Fraiser. Like most great artistic creations Monkeybone is a metaphor for the guy's penis. I think.
He is also trying to propose to his psychiatrist who is responsible for getting rid of his nightmares. How? Well he used to create disturbing paintings with his right hand. So they switched his dominate hands resulting in a cartoony style. I got a try that sometime. However all goes wrong as Stu crashes his car that night sending him in to a coma. Where else does he go but COMA-LAND!
Now that we are here let me tell you the 3 things wrong with this movie (too me).
1. No Stop-motion
This movie was directed by Henry Selick director of The Nightmare Before Christmas, James in the Giant Peach, and Coraline. However theres hardly any stopmotion in it. Theres a couple of roadkill animals, a pharoh thing, I THINK the minotaur bartender might be, and of course Monkeybone.
2. Strays of of original content.
Okay chances are you don't know what Im talking about. Monkeybone is based on the one issue comic Dark Town. Which I have.
Its pretty cool but Im not sure why they butchered it while transiting from page to screen. The only similarities from this to Monkeybone are:
* Guy going into coma land
*Has to hurry back before they pull the plug
*Death tries to help him
Speaking of death
3. No Christopher Walken
Originally they were to have him play this interpretation of death. But they didn't. Any movie that was considering Christopher Walken and did not loses all thrill points.
Who DOES get to play death in this you might ask?
Whoopi Goldberg. Of course.
Anyway, so Stu is in Coma-land which is probably not real and just in his head considering Monkeybone is real here (and obnoxious). He tries to get out by sneaking into Death's lair and getting a ticket out. Meanwhile Stu's psychiatrist/ love interest decides to pump up the Nightmare fuel. Literally. She thinks if she puts in nightmare fuel into Stu he will wake up. Oh and his sister wants to pull the plug. Just sayin'.
This results in Stu entering the nightmare painting. *shivers*
After that Monkeybone and Stu successfully steal a ticket. BUT Monkeybone steals it for himself and enters Stu's body.
I guess Monkeybone is in the club for weird-obnoxious-guy-in-bizarre-world-who-is-the-bad-guy-and-his-name-is-in-the-title-and-comprises-of-two-words-three-syllables-one-which-is-an-animal club. You know along with Beetlejuice.
Anyway much cringing ensues with Stu's body acting like Monkeybone. Back in coma land Death decides to help out Stu by flinging him into some dead guys body. In the middle of his organ transplant.
Alright basically he ends up deafening Monkeybone and getting the girl. Yeah I got tired.
Monkeybone is not a very good movie. Its not funny and it has none of the directors major talents. But if this piped your interest. I suggest you check it out.
Goodbye, and remember. Im just some random kid with with a computer.
Way to ruin the storyline lol. But it doesn't matter, it sounds lamer than David Bowie and Mick Jagger's music video for "Dancing in the Street." *spine tingles*